Saturday, June 6, 2009

From Lewis & Clark in 1804 to a 2009 Pipedream

We look out the window of our RV from our beautiful campsite on the farm where Gregg grew up near Sioux City, IA, across the cornfields, at a long stretch of Silver Maples. Cottonwoods, and Willows. The trees line the Floyd River that runs through the property of Gregg's brother Gary and his family.

We canoed this years ago and should have done it more often, intriguing river that it is.

More than 200 years ago Merriwether Lewis and William Clark and their crew made their way up the Missouri River through what would become Sioux City, IA, and there experienced the only loss of life on their two year mission, Sergeant Floyd who died of what was probably appendicitis. He is buried there with a river, The Floyd, and a town, Sergeant Bluff, named after him.

The Floyd River meanders through this countryside. We've seen it from a small plane in the sky over us, winding its way south to the nearby Missouri River. It nurtures the flora and fauna. Some of the trees must be closing in on 80-100 years old now, shading a magical place.

It is here that a modern day enterprise, the Pipedream of a young man from Sioux City, will make its public debut this week. He has designed and carved a little bit of heaven for kids and families, a natural playground. Gary and his son Brad have granted him use of their property along the river and he has turned it into campgrounds, beaches, and waterslides. The highlight will be tubing the Floyd. Rent his tubes. float an hour of so and get a ride back upriver to do it all over again.

The Grand Opening is Monday this week and we plan to be there!

Learn more here

You can see the Schindel family farm in the distance across the cornfield.

This is where one of the waterslides will be. Gregg is on this side talking on his cell phone to Gary on the tractor on the other side of the river. Gary's working, spraying fields. Gregg's retired...

Cottonwood branch fence is sending out sprouts and leaves.

Bridge over the Floyd is on the lane to the Schindel farm.

Beaches and bends in the Floyd.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Jordie Marie Schindel

What can I say? She is absolutely gorgeous and the most well-behaved baby ever.

Born April 7, Christened May 31

Her parents, Brandon and Katie, are wonderful with her and are living in a beautiful little corner of Nebraska with peace and quiet, green grass and cornfields surrounding them. What a joy to see them all together.

Tough work - Grandparenting!

But, someone's got to do it and we will be happy to volunteer!
We've been camping, hiking, horseback riding, paddleboating, swimming, water-sliding, playgrounding, playing games, doing Origami, playing tag and more. Gregg always says "Parenting is a young person's sport." We've enjoyed every minute of it. Fun kids. Hannah, 8, Taylor, 12, Jake, 10, Nick, 13, Josh, 15, Brandon 18.