6+ months on the road
185 nights
Average cost per night $10
101 nights paid for, 84 free
About 25 nights in big-box parking lots
(WalMart, Costco, Kohls, churches, schools, museums)
Many thanks to many relatives with great
campground driveways!
Miles traveled = 8,581
Average 46 miles per day = just right!
Highest elevation: RV at 11,990 Loveland Pass
Highest elevation: Us at 12,000 Mayflower Meadow
Books read: 41 between us
Rainy and snowy days: We don't count them.
Great days: 185
Are we tired of this yet? NOT AT ALL
Are we ready to come home yet?
OK, for a brief visit,
then we'll be off again,
headed to Florida next,
hopefully by February.