We've been visiting friends in Michigan's U.P., Upper Penninsula. We've decided to call George our brother-in-law-twice-removed. He is the father of my nieces and nephew from Illinois. Have had fun with him and his wife Linda.
George and Linda's beautiful back yard on the Au Train River.
Linda preparing her kayak for a weekend long symposium in the same town we headed for next, Grand Marais, MI. We'll probably bump into her again this weekend. We're going to do a little kayaking here. Our AZ kayaking friends would love this place with hundreds of sea kayaks here for this big symposium.
Linda preparing her kayak for a weekend long symposium in the same town we headed for next, Grand Marais, MI. We'll probably bump into her again this weekend. We're going to do a little kayaking here. Our AZ kayaking friends would love this place with hundreds of sea kayaks here for this big symposium.