I have a LOT of catching up to do on this blog - been so busy at the Prescott home this past month...
We stayed in Prescott long enough to see our flowering plum tree do its beautiful spring thing...

This is the view off our deck that we like to see just ONCE each year. Prescott had a lot of snowy days this year and we were happy to see just one of them and miss the others while in San Diego or Phoenix. We left yesterday and it's snowing there today - good timing!
.While at home in Prescott I got to some tasks I'd been putting off for years...such as going through boxes and boxes that had come from my parents' home after their deaths. I actually found it quite fascinating uncovering gems such as this 1928 picture of my Mom's one room school class in rural IL. She's the first on the left in the back row - 11 years old.
My IL sister Jeri and I met at sister Betty's home in Deming, NM for a few days of sisterness and helping Betty make arrangements for herself and her ongoing battle with Leukemi


John and JeanAnne Morrow cooking a fantastic Italian dinner for us in our kitchen...a P.E.O. fundraiser.

Our guests - Norm & Linda Smith and Cheryl & George Payne

Linda surprised me with a going-away brunch including a great group of P.E.O. friends - Kirsten, Cheryl, Cathy, Eleanor, Jackie, Linda, Martha, Bev (picture's missing Jill). Scrumptious and fun.
Paul and I drew the lucky numbers at the St. Patrick's Day dinner party at Martha and Mike Harris' house - we got to be the

"Remember Katy" night at our house - we had 4 of Mom's

My last harrah with the girls - coffee at Cuppers Coffeehouse.
Linda, Cheryl, Deborah, Mary and Martha. Lotsa laughs!

Our last night in town, a fabulous 75th birthday party for our friend Bob. Sherri planned and carried out the best dinner for about 40 friends at Murphy's restaurant. What a great time. What a fun group of friends.

Our last night in town, a fabulous 75th birthday party for our friend Bob. Sherri planned and carried out the best dinner for about 40 friends at Murphy's restaurant. What a great time. What a fun group of friends.
Makes it a little hard to leave when we have such a good time at "home" but that ROAD just keeps calling us out...!
We'll be in Fountain Hills, AZ at McDowell Mt. Park for a week, then headed east and onward.