B-U-T we do find we miss just a couple of things: Our longest and best friends, Arizona and our hometown of Prescott. Prescott pictures are of our beautiful Courthouse Plaza.
Brunch out with the Prescott girlfriends...took the hats off the walls, that shade off the lamp and the feather duster out of the closet to dress us up.
Holiday time is volunteerism time for me. That is the annual Prescott Last-Minute-Non-Profit-Stocking-Stuffer Bazaar that attracts thousands of shoppers to buy hundreds of dollars of goods benefiting non-profits. The 2 organizations I support are - P.E.O. (selling the purses to the left) and International Street Angels of the World (selling angels and other things on the right) and my daughter Sarah smiling at us in front. She has helped me with this each of the last 3 years. Between our 2 booths we raised $1,600, supporting education for women and disadvantaged children !
It's not Christmas for Sally without getting together with her girlfriends from high school - Betsy and Shirley - and their families... a long tradition.
P.E.O. Christmas party included my two favorite elves, Linda and Marie.
Sally stays busy with the fundraising and working to downsize this house so we can consider being full-time RVers for a while. Gregg stays busy with RV maintenance and improvements and repairs on this house in which we now rarely live. We enjoy being "home" here but we have itchy, itchy feet! We'll be off on a 6 week jaunt westward soon, then return to Prescott for a bit before heading out for another 10,000 mile+ adventure in 2011. Destinations unknown this year - we'll just see where the road takes us...