We've spent the last 3 beautiful days with Jim & Donna Schelin at their lakefront home on Silver Lake, near Battle Lake, MN.
Here's Gregg, making popcorn with his generator on their pontoon boat...
4th of July parade at Otter Tail Lake, MN. that's Jim in the yellow sunglasses. I loved the lake as a backdrop to a parade!
Here's our view of the shore of Deer Lake as we head out on a pontoon to watch fireworks. Dozens of homes along the shore set off great displays.
We enjoyed the show but the aftermath was fun as well...
We stayed out too long, the battery died, we were stranded on the lake, but the modern miracle of cell phone got a call into shore and a "tow" pontoon on its way to save us. It's not often we are up until midnight anymore...but we survived.