But we have now had 4 straight days of sun and today actually got out of the long pants and sweaters and into summer clothes. Finally!
We had a wonderful time with family at my sister Jeri's house for niece Kelsey's high school graduation. We laughed and laughed at goofy stuff. We shopped and shopped the village-wide yard sales and stocked up on things to give Kelsey for an 18th birthday and Bill for a 50th birthday this week. They actually both liked all their gifts! (Note that, Josh...) It was good to have us four siblings, three of the kids and one of the in-laws (Gregg) together.
Gregg & I spent yesterday in West Branch, IA at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum. Very interesting man and times, another well-done Presidential Museum. We overnighted in the parking lot for the Fire and Police Depts - they said it was OK as long as we didn't like "move in there". They even had free unsecured wi-fi for us there!!
Today we broke down, for the first time in 2 weeks, to pay for an actual campsite. We are in the Amana Colonies - 7 tiny burgs and no WalMart parking lot for us, of course. Actually I guess it's good for us to pay for this and stimulate the economy a little. Now, nice weather and bike trails here, we'll probably stay a day or two. Can't wait to try the StrudelDoodle coffee I bought here today...
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