How to watch a baseball game in Nebraska - from inside the Jeep if you want to stay dry. Yes, we are still having more wet and chilly weather than we are having warm or sunny. That's Grandson Nick on 2nd base.
Weeds of the Midwest -
I still really like the looks of a dandelion has-been, especially from the macro setting of my camera.
And I still get a kick out of seeing the wild hemp here - child of the 60's that I am.
Gregg & I both love wandering in the little Floyd Valley Cemetery, visiting his ancestors. Here is his Great-Great grandfather, German immigrant, with his age - 63 years, 11 months and 7 days - memorialized in German. Last night we searched in the back of the cemetery (at dusk to make it more exciting), looking for a tombstone of a long-ago neighbor who had murdered his wife and then taken his own life. We didn't find him...but I did find some wild Iris to bring home with me.
Gregg's cousins' little Granddaughter, Maggie, in her pink cowgirl hat and pink boots, with her pink rope. What a doll.
And another little baby, one of the many, many calves here on the farm.
We got to help move some of the calves and cows yesterday. I love doing that.
See a little of it here:
This is Cowboy and he is NOT doing his job moving the cattle. He watched and whimpered. The day before he'd been limping so must have been kicked. But I'm sure he'll get over it soon.
This is the little Methodist church at Melbourne, about 2 miles from the Schindel farm. Established in 1860, BEFORE the Civil War! Melbourne was a town until the railroad tracks bypassed it. Now what was Melbourne is farms and this church and the cemetery. We enjoy attending church services there when we are here.
No, Candace and Kathy did not really get married. These were their costumes for the Methodist Womens' monthly breakfast that I went to with Judy. It's June so their theme was "weddings" and they served us a Bridal Brunch. I am so impressed with Judy's 49 years of marriage that I asked her if she had one of the longest in this group of women. She had to laugh at me and my naivete. The group of 18 women added up their years of marriage - 866! Average 48 years, one of the women with 75 years of marriage. Take out my meager 6 years and that group averages over 50 years of marriage. I think that says something about Midwest living...
The future look of Iowa??
The new Ethanol plant in Merrill.That's me and Gregg waving goodbye to Iowa for now. We leave tomorrow for a few more days with Grandkids in Nebraska. Then we will be headed toward MN and WI for a good part of the summer.
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