That's Bass Pro Shop in the background in Oklahoma City, one of my favorite "campgrounds", free with fun shopping and amazing decor. This one with a whole heard of bison in the store.
This is within easy walking distance of OK City's beautiful Bricktown, restored part of downtown with parks, canal, water taxi and narrated ride, 18 full size bronze statues of OK history (with plans to eventually have 49 statues). Also an easy walk to see the memorial for the OK City bombing of the Alfred Murrah Federal Building. Stirring site - 168 chairs represent the 168 lives lost.

The size of the OK BBQ certainly rivals what I would have called Texas-sized. It took me three meals to finish this sandwich.
Birthday dinner at one of our favorite restaurants ever. Not much to look at (notice the landscaping by the front door) inside or out, but the BEST catfish and fixin's imaginable.

I LOVE my birthday present! (I always do as Gregg likes me to find something I want and just tell him where to get it. This I found in Michigan's U.P. in July and had to wait 'til now to get it.) It's sliced agates and just gorgeous with sun shining through it, leaded like stained glass. Thanks, Gregg!
See how wet it is outside the window? We sat out tropical storm Hermine in this Chickasaw National Recreation Area - beautiful campground. 8 inches of rain in 2 days near here.
We were cozy & dry and quite content with our books, Boston Legals, TV, Internet, full fridge and liquor cabinet. Life is Good.
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