We'll be calling this home for a couple of weeks, one of our most favorite parks anywhere. We were married here in 2003. The views are expansive and peaceful. The wind is rocking us tonight and it's chilly outside but my sister in IL and brother & sister-in-law in CO are being buried in snow and frozen in below zero temps so I'm not complaining! We just hole up with books and computers...
Outside our windows, in what I claim as our "yard", the migrating cardinals are here every day - gorgeous. Sometimes 3 bright red males at a time in a tree.
The horses appeared one day in the temporary corral right next to us. The Ranger explained that the corral was for trapping horses that ranchers let loose to browse in the desert. But these two showed up with saddles and no riders. Sheriff did a search and rescue and didn't find anyone the first day but on the second day a man and trailer showed up to take them home. Apparently horses and riders had somehow become separated somehow though we never heard the entire story of it. Was nice to have 2 horses as neighbors for two days!
I bet we are colder here in Big Bend - 22 degrees this morning! Tomorrow in the 40's.