Sunday, August 12, 2012

Newport, Rhode Island

One of the tunnels along the Cliff Walk

Vanderbilt's cottage -
The Breakers

Newport, RI was a surprisingly nice stop.  RV park was in the next town over and within walking distance of downtown Newport.  Lots of opportunity for beautiful walks along the shore and harbor.  The Cliff Walk along the backyards of some of Newport's famous "cottages" of the likes of the Vanderbilts was a treat.  Gregg does NOT like house tours but Sally spent a day and a half on long tours of 5 of the monstrosities - fascinating!

Mystic, Connecticut


We definitely love seeing the contrasts between the places we visit while we are on the road.  And talk about contrast, from New York City to Mystic, CT within a day!  Mystic is a sleepy little place with waterfront views that are like those you see in travel brochures.  We took a schooner cruise and then ate seafood at a funky place called Abbott's Lobster-in-the-raw. No liquor sold there but you are welcome to bring your own!